Here's an article about the Fancy and Delicious Bread Cooperative in Buffalo NY. My daughter is the one pictured at the top of the article, wearing an apron made by her great grandmother, who, incidentally, baked delicious Parker House rolls. If you live in the Buffalo area, stop by the farmer's market to buy some bread, or sign up for a 12 week bread share (starting this week!). To keep up with the co-op activities, check out the Fancy & Delicious blog.2.
A very cool event is happening in Maine this week: the 5th Annual Kneading Conference, on Thursday, July 28th and Friday, July 29th in Skowhegan, Maine. The Kneading Conference "brings together novice and professional bakers, grain farmers and millers, researchers, wood-fired oven enthusiasts and anyone who loves to eat handcrafted breads for two-days of participatory workshops, presentations, and panel discussions." The conference is followed immediately by The Maine Artisan Bread Fair on Saturday, July 30th. If the dates and locations don't fit, there will be a related Kneading conference West on September 15-17 in Mount Vernon, Washington. Details on all these events can be found here.3.
Learn how Hot Bread Kitchen in Harlem is helping immigrant women pursue meaningful work as bakers.4.
In case your interest in yeasty products runs to the academic and/or historic, here's a post about bread in the middle ages. Fascinating info!I hope to post some more bread soon, but in the meantime, happy reading!